Reading Goal for 2017

Being the crazy lady that I am, I made a goal for myself to read 100 books in 2017.  Yes, I know that’s ambitious.  Currently I’m only 31 books behind schedule!  😉 I’m sharing my reading goal here on my blog in the hopes that it will help me stick to my schedule and keep on track.  I’m off to read now…

My Goodreads 2017 Reading Challenge

What is your reading goal for 2017?

Thrift Store – Young Adult Reading Challenge #1

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Having finished the romance reading challenge, I’m ready for a break from that particular genre.  I found these five books in the young adult/juvenile section at my local Goodwill and am looking forward to reading them!

I read the Twilight series several years ago, but never formally reviewed them.  And I have to say that I don’t mind reading them again.  Even though they’re rather teenager-y books, they are also strangely addictive.  The Hunger Games series has been recommended to me by more than one person, but this will be the first time I’ve even taken a look inside one.  What can I say?  I tend to shy away from the latest craze, sometimes shunning that item for years.  There must be a contrariness built into my nature.


Thrift Store – Fantasy Reading Challenge #1

TS Fantasy Challenge 1 WM

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When the kids and I were at the thrift store about a week ago, I had the bright idea to do a reading challenge based on the books I found there.  I went for both a fantasy challenge and a sci-fi challenge (which I will document later).  It seems like thrift stores carry a good number of fantasy and sci-fi titles, some of them being unique finds.

Based on my made-up rules, I could only choose novels from the adult section, and they could only be from a series if they were the first.  It wouldn’t make much sense to read book #2 in a four-part series, if I hadn’t already read the first book.  Picking the books out took longer than I anticipated because there were so many that were part of a series.

In the end, I came up with the stack you see above.  I don’t know what to expect of these books, but I’m optimistic about a couple of them.

Let me know if you’ve read any of these titles and what you thought of them.  Later!



Thrift Store Fantasy Reading Challenge #1

Rainbow Cover – Reading Challenge

Rainbow Challenge 1

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Since the books for my family/friend recommendation reading challenge are coming in a bit slow, I’ll be starting another book challenge.  (I can’t just sit around not reading!)  I may end up reading books from both challenges simultaneously, depending on when they come in.

I saw this idea in a few places on Pinterest and really liked it.  I went to the thrift store and found six titles that I wanted to read and which made a rainbow.  They look so pretty all grouped together!

The only difficult part was that I had to find books of a particular color that I actually wanted to read.  There were really only two rows of books, so this was a bit of a challenge. Victory was mine, however, after an extended time browsing books.

I’m really looking forward to reviewing these books for you guys!

Without further ado…



Rainbow Cover Reading Challenge #1


Friends & Family Top Picks – Reading Challenge

F&F Top Picks Challenge 1

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I was trying to think of some fun, quirky posts to write for my blog when the idea of setting reading challenges for myself sprang to mind.  I have several reading challenge ideas, but decided to start by simply asking friends and family about their book recommendations.

The replies I got were interesting, running the gamut from spiritual books to a book about cadavers.  Hey–my cousin is a paramedic–the subject must be familiar to him.  Anyhow, I’ll start by reading the first five books that were recommended. I think that by keeping the number of books at a reasonable number, I’ll be more likely to complete the challenge.  I’ll revisit the list later on down the road when I feel like having another Friends & Family Top Picks Reading Challenge.  Boy, that title is a mouthful.  As I finish each book, I’ll post a review right here on this very blog.  So keep your eyes peeled!

Following, you will find the books that were recommended with the first name of the person who did said recommending.  I must confess, suggestion number four makes me feel a bit squeamish.



Friends & Family Top Picks Reading Challenge #1
