January 2018 Book Haul


Another book haul, y’all!  Check out the lovely books I got this month!

November Unhaul & Giveaway — CLOSED

My Bookshelf Giveaways:

*Read my reviews by clicking on the titles above.

Enter by clicking on the link following each title.  The giveaways are open internationally to participants 18 years and older and will end on November 30, 2017.  Winners will be announced on my blog and contacted through email.  Good luck!

August 2017 Book Haul


I was so glad to get this video filmed before my cold knocked me on my behind.  This month I have another odd assortment of books, but I hope you’ll find something that piques your interest.  You can tell I filmed this late at night, because my nighttime crazies are coming through pretty strong in the video!

Thrift Store – Young Adult Reading Challenge #1

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Having finished the romance reading challenge, I’m ready for a break from that particular genre.  I found these five books in the young adult/juvenile section at my local Goodwill and am looking forward to reading them!

I read the Twilight series several years ago, but never formally reviewed them.  And I have to say that I don’t mind reading them again.  Even though they’re rather teenager-y books, they are also strangely addictive.  The Hunger Games series has been recommended to me by more than one person, but this will be the first time I’ve even taken a look inside one.  What can I say?  I tend to shy away from the latest craze, sometimes shunning that item for years.  There must be a contrariness built into my nature.


September 2016 Book Haul & Unboxing

My September book haul is up!  I was so excited to set up a new filming area, even though it’s quite simple.  I can’t wait to add my own personal touches (I have to admit that Funko Worf is an awesome start)!  Since most of our books are packed away for moving, I really had to scour the house to find books to put on my bookshelf.


The books from this month are a very odd assortment–homeschooling, magazines, blogging, educational.  Whatevs–I am an odd duck, so I guess it just fits!


Jane Eyre – Movie 2011

This post contains affiliate links.

I have decided that in addition to reviewing books, I’d also like to use this blog to review movie adaptations of books.  To that end, Jane Eyre is my first movie review.  I believe this is the second time that I’ve watched the version that features Michael Fassbender and Mia Wasikowska.  I’m not going to give an extremely detailed breakdown of the movie and all the pros and cons.  I prefer to talk lightly on whether or not I liked it, if there were any glaring errors, etc.  I’d rather you come away with your own ideas from the movie, than be overly influenced by mine.

First, I like the look of the actors they chose to portray Mr. Rochester and Jane in this version.  I know that sounds silly, but if I don’t think “Jane” and “Rochester” when I look at the actors, I’m not going to enter into the story as readily.  I really enjoyed Fassbender’s portrayal of Rochester, though he wasn’t quite as dark and brooding as in some other adaptations or the book.  He didn’t seem to be quite as tortured as he should have been.  Wasikowska’s portrayal, I’m not quite as sure about.  I did enjoy her performance, but it seemed to be lacking something.  There seemed to be a flatness to her character at times, and a general lack of emotion.  I also thought that the chemistry was a little lacking between Jane and Rochester, which is of course one of the main ingredients that makes the whole plot believable.

There were a few bits that I noticed had been changed from the book, but I’ve come to expect that in screen adaptations.  It doesn’t bother me too much.  Unfortunately, there were some scenes left out that I think would have added to the story, but there may have been time constraints.  One thing I thought was quite clever in this adaptation, was that Jane’s story alternated between present day (once she had left Thornfield), and her past (beginning with her childhood).  I think that was an interesting way to tell the story.

Overall, I enjoyed the movie and would recommend it to Jane Eyre fans and those who enjoy a good love story.  I don’t think you’ll be disappointed, as long as you go into it allowing it to be its own version of Jane Eyre.  🙂

Rated: PG-13

Rating: 4 Stars

Until next time…
