Thrift Store – Fantasy Reading Challenge #1

TS Fantasy Challenge 1 WM

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When the kids and I were at the thrift store about a week ago, I had the bright idea to do a reading challenge based on the books I found there.  I went for both a fantasy challenge and a sci-fi challenge (which I will document later).  It seems like thrift stores carry a good number of fantasy and sci-fi titles, some of them being unique finds.

Based on my made-up rules, I could only choose novels from the adult section, and they could only be from a series if they were the first.  It wouldn’t make much sense to read book #2 in a four-part series, if I hadn’t already read the first book.  Picking the books out took longer than I anticipated because there were so many that were part of a series.

In the end, I came up with the stack you see above.  I don’t know what to expect of these books, but I’m optimistic about a couple of them.

Let me know if you’ve read any of these titles and what you thought of them.  Later!



Thrift Store Fantasy Reading Challenge #1