Snow White and the Seven Robots: A Graphic Novel by Louise Simonson

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Title: Snow White and the Seven Robots by Louise Simonson


Snow White is created to be the perfect ruler for Techworld, but the current queen is outraged that someone else might be smarter than she is and more qualified for the job.  In a bid to keep her position, the Queen has Snow exiled and eventually poisons her.  Seven mining robots watch over Snow White until her old friend, Doc, finds and revives her.  When Snow returns, she is crowned Queen and takes her rightful place as the planet’s leader.

My thoughts:

Last night in bed I read another book from the Far Out Fairy Tales series.  This one was about Snow White and it strays VERY far from the original story.  The story taking place in outer space is fine–I could deal with that.  The people having green skin is fine, too.  But the overall plot changes seem a stretch.  Snow White isn’t born, but created by a bunch of scientists as the perfect ruler for Techworld.  The current queen wants Snow out of the picture because she’s threatened by her intelligence.  To me it just seems to stray too far from the original.

The events in the story seem very farfetched and somewhat arbitrary.  I wish the story line had been tighter and more logical.  As it is, I would only recommend this book to kids.  It’s not satisfying enough for adult fans of the Snow White tale, in my humble opinion.

I recommend Snow White and the Seven Robots to kids who enjoy unique retellings of classic fairy tales.

Rating: 3 Stars

Until next time…


Empyrion: The Search for Fierra by Stephen R. Lawhead


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Empyrion: The Search for Fierra is a book which my husband recommended.  It’s an older book, but one he enjoyed as a young man.  Now it’s my turn to enjoy it!


Orion Treet is hired to take part in a mission to check on the status of a space colony which has been established by a private company.  Three others are a part of the team and they successfully locate the colony on a far distant planet, but something has gone horribly wrong.  Not only have they arrived in the wrong time period, but they’ve also stumbled into a dystopia.  Their reception is less than ideal, and they must find a way to escape and find the Fieri, the other group of human descendants.  Can they find the answers to what went wrong and make things right again?

My thoughts:

I liked this book a lot more than I expected to.  It’s a unique story about how a human society develops, removed from the influences of Earth.  The setting is interesting and the supporting characters are unique, if a bit odd at times.  Yarden, Treet’s love interest, is definitely an enigma.  The end of the book segues into the next, when Treet continues his mission to keep Fierra safe.  I left out a lot of details, but I didn’t want to totally ruin the story for you.  It’s more fun to discover Empyrion for yourself.  🙂

I’m looking forward to reading the next book in the series, but it will probably have to wait a little while.  We’re scheduled to move in a few days and I don’t want to tote library books along with us!

I recommend this book to teen and adult fans of science fiction.  It’s a unique and entertaining adventure story, which I think you’ll really enjoy.

Favorite quotes:

“Treet had to admit that he did indeed like living; it was, after all, one of the things that made life so worthwhile.” (p.2)

“To be alive and know you were dying and know too there was nothing you could do about it, thought Treet in one of his lucid moments, was surely the worst trick of a whole universe full of lousy tricks.” (p.343)

Possible Objections:

  • A little violence
  • A bit of bad language
  • Religious commentary (There is a distinct good vs. evil undertone to the book, which can easily be ascribed a Christian influence.)

Rating: 4 Stars

Until next time…


The Nerdy Mummies Cookbook: Sweet Treats for the Geek in All of Us by Rosanna Pansino

Nerdy Mummies Cookbook

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The Nerdy Mummies Cookbook is so much stinking fun!  It’s the kind of cookbook that you marvel at, thinking, I could never make that!  In reality, I’m sure it just takes willpower and time, but who has those?

Anyhow, there are several sections: Math & Science, Space, Fantasy & Sci-Fi, Gaming, Tech & Web, and Geeky Treats.  Each section contains several recipes that somehow fit that category.  The types of recipes included are cakes, cookies, cupcakes, pie, gelatin, cake pops, sweet rolls, hard candies, crispy treats, cheesecake, s’mores, and a soda-ish beverage.  So, don’t get this book if you don’t like sweets.

In the front of the book, you’ll find some basic recipes for cake, cheesecake, etc. that are used as the base for the fancified culinary creations.  In the back, there are some templates that are required for various recipes.

This book is high quality, well-formatted, and has exceptional photography.  I’d highly recommend it to all geek and nerd types.  You’ll get a kick out of it and I hope that you’ll try one of the recipes, too!

Rating: 5 Stars


Until next time…


Nerdy Mummies Cookbook 2


The Nerdy Nummies Cookbook: Sweet Treats for the Geek in All of Us by Rosanna Pansino

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Title: The Nerdy Nummies Cookbook by Rosanna Pansino


Rosanna Pansino shares her recipes for a variety of amazing geeky foods.  These culinary creations will earn you serious cool mommy points!

My thoughts:

This cookbook is so much stinking fun!  It’s the kind of cookbook that you marvel at, thinking, I could never make that!  In reality, I’m sure it just takes willpower and time, but who has those?

Anyhow, there are several sections: Math & Science, Space, Fantasy & Sci-Fi, Gaming, Tech & Web, and Geeky Treats.  Each section contains several recipes that somehow fit that category.  The types of recipes included are cakes, cookies, cupcakes, pie, gelatin, cake pops, sweet rolls, hard candies, crispy treats, cheesecake, s’mores, and a soda-ish beverage.  So, don’t get this book if you don’t like sweets.

In the front of the book, you’ll find some basic recipes for cake, cheesecake, etc. that are used as the base for the fancified culinary creations.  In the back, there are some templates that are required for various recipes.

This book is high quality, well-formatted, and has exceptional photography.  I highly recommend it to all geek and nerd types.  You’ll get a kick out of it and I hope that you’ll try one of the recipes, too!

Rating: 5 Stars

Until next time…


Nerdy Mummies Cookbook 2

